Jose N. Reyes, Ph.D., is the co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of NuScale Power, and the co-designer of the NuScale passively-cooled small nuclear reactor. He agreed to do an interview by email with this blog.
This is one of the more lengthy interviews that Reyes has done recently with the nuclear trade press. The complete set of questions and his answers are found below. Here are a few take-aways to get you started.
Romania – NuScale signed an MOU with Romania to address development, licensing and construction of a NuScale SMR for a potential long-term energy solution in Romania.
UK – The focus is on development of the supply chain and high value manufacturing. The UK represents a valuable opportunity for NuScale to transform the the country into an export hub, capturing significant share of a lucrative future global SMR market.
Jordan – NuScale could be a game-changer with this technology for Jordan. It’s small footprint, low cost, minimal needs for cooling water compared to a 1000 MW Russian VVER, all work to its advantage there.
NRC design review, operational date – The NRC review is expected to be completed in September 2020.
NuScale’s first customer, UAMPS, plans to commence site preparation in 2021. Nuclear construction (i.e., first safety related concrete) will commence in 2023 with the first module operational by late 2026. The full 12-module plant will be operational by 2027.
Supply Chain in the US – Multiple vendors are onboard.
The supply chain for NuScale’s technology largely resides in the United States and could potentially support 13,500 jobs across the country (based on manufacturing three, 12-module plants per year).
Nuclear Fuel – The fuel bundle materials and low enriched fuel are identical to those currently used in full size PWRs.
Spent Fuel – All of the spent fuel generated by all 12 modules over the 60-year life of the plant can be safely stored in dry casks onsite within a relatively small footprint.
Nuclear energy R&D using NuScale’s reactors – INL-DOE to explore the potential for secure, hardened microgrids and the use of nuclear energy beyond the electricity sector, including applications that could contribute to economic growth and national security.
NuScale in Canada – NuScale has signed a service agreement with the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) to submit an application under the CNSC’s Vendor Design Review process in 2019. NuScale expects to make its first submittal by the end of 2019.